Mystery Photos on the Menu

5 novembre , 2019

This month the ETRC would like to enlist the help of readers to identify a few of our numerous unidentified photographs.   All of these photographs come from a collection of documents that are primarily from the Lake Massawippi and Hatley areas and, so, it is likely that these photographs picture people and places from those areas.  In one, which comes from a group of three images, we see the construction of what appears to be a dam.  Is it possibly the Eustis dam on the Coaticook River, near Route 143?

The studio portrait photograph shows a family from around the 1920s.  Unfortunately there is no photographer’s stamp to help us narrow down a location but perhaps a reader might recognize one of these smartly-dressed people.

The final images we have today are a jovial-looking group, gathered at a clubhouse perhaps, and what seems to be a school photograph, both from around the late 1940s or 1950s. Do you recognize any of those pictured or have thoughts on their location?

Please get in touch if you can help us solve some of the unknowns of these people and places and help us preserve history!

Crédit photo: : P177 Lake Massawippi Area Historical Society collection
Construction of an unknown dam, ca. 1920s.
Crédit photo: : P177 Lake Massawippi Area Historical Society collection
Unknown group photograph, ca. 1950s. Help from a reader has helped us identify (front row) Leigh or Betty Sawyer, Beverly Littlejohn, Ann Pearson, (centre, kneeling) Neil Bennett,(middle row, left) possibly Ronald Jenne, (back left) James Brown, and (back, third from left) Glen Allan.
Crédit photo: : P177 Lake Massawippi Area Historical Society collection
Unknown family, ca. 1920s.
Crédit photo: : P177 Lake Massawippi Area Historical Society collection
Unknown school photograph, ca. 1940s.
Mystery Photos on the Menu
5 novembre , 2019
ETRC Archivist